The Hero’s Journey
"The Hero's Journey" is the common story framework for countless myths, legends, epic novels and modern movies, from Odysseus to Star Wars, and every Avengers movie ever made. It describes how an ordinary person becomes an unlikely hero: starting with a call to adventure, through trials and tribulations, to transformation and triumph.
As impact hospitality entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, we face a similar path - from the early excitement when we answer the call to impact, through the daily grind as we work through unfamiliar territory (dotted with failures and tough lessons), and hopefully out the other side to transformation for ourselves, our institutions and our communities.
At the Impact Hospitality Retreat, we aim to be your companion through all stages of the journey, including the inspiration and triumphs but especially the toughest moments, to walk together with you as we learn how to bring our perfect impact ambitions into an imperfect world. Our speakers are candid about their own journeys and the pitfalls along the way, sharing practical tips and takeaways to help the community avoid the same mistakes and speed their way to success.
The Hero:
Social Impact on Community
The Characters:
The Cast for 2023
Local Impact Team
Local Vendors
Community Partners
Success Stories & Use Cases
Community Partnerships & Workforce Development
Baltimore, MD
Squeegee Program
Baltimore's Hotel Revival participated in a program that offered jobs to former squeegee kids. This program was an initiative by the Mayor and Revival was the only private sector participant.
Direct Hires
Only For-Profit Participant
Employees Retained
Of Program Participation
Success Stories & Use Cases
Community Partnerships & Workforce Development
Merced, CA
Vocational Housekeeping
18 students, ages 18-22, who are in the MCOE Special Education Transition Center in Merced worked with housekeeping staff at El Capitan Hotel. This is the first time this type of program has been done outside of traditional vocational training inside of a classroom.
Hospitality Career Academy
In partnership with Merced Community College, El Capitan lead the 3rd semester of the Hospitality Career Academy. This semester was the first to include High School students with 37 participants. El Capitan has made one hire from last semester.
Restore Merced
This year El Capitan hired their 4th employee from the Restore Merced. Restore Merced works with formerly incarcerated to assist them with integrating back into society. This increases opportunities for individuals with barriers to employment by providing work experience, training, and helping to start small businesses to benefit the local economy and increase resources in areas of need.
Empower Program / Worknet
This year El Capitan has had 4 participants from the Empower Program. They have also had 14 Participants from the Worknet Program. The Empower Program provides educational assistance and job training to help out-of-school youth ages 16-24 succeed in school, then transition to college and/or a career. Empower youth are also provided paid and/or unpaid work experience, employability skills training, leadership development, placement in post-secondary education. Empower is a part of Worknet which is the umbrella organization for Merced County.
Direct Hires
People Directly Impacted
By Our Team
*Direct Employment and/or Job Skills Training
Hires From
Restore Merced
High School Students in
Spring ‘23 HCA Cohort
Merced County Times
Success Stories & Use Cases
Community Partnerships & Workforce Development
St. Louis, MO
St. Patrick Center
The St. Patrick Center services the unhoused population in the greater St. Louis area. They have a barista training program for those that are looking to improve their circumstances. 21C has made 3 hires from the program.
St. Patrick Center focuses services in St. Louis City and St. Louis County, providing assistance to 3,700 individuals and families annually. In addition to St. Louis City and St. Louis County, our Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program operates in seven outlying counties: Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, St. Charles, St. Francois, Warren and Washington.
Swim 1922 - Sigma Gamma Rho & USA Swimming
21C St. Louis has partnered with the local chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho sorority in St. Louis to increase swim participation and drowning prevention for minority children. The program was started in 2018 and the local chapter has only been able to provide dry lessons (On Land) and this partnership will be the first opportunity kids have had access to a pool for swim lessons.
The partnership with Sigma Gamma Rho is a groundbreaking initiative that seeks to strengthen USA Swimming’s commitment to Diversity and Inclusion by partnering with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. to increase swim participation and decrease drowning rates in the community. In keeping with USA Swimming’s core objectives: Build the Base – Promote the Sport – Achieve Competitive Success and the Sigma Gamma Rho motto of Greater Service, Greater Progress, these organizations come together to affect change and influence the community of black women and girls.
St. Louis Community College / Hospitality Career Academy
21C St. Louis has partnered St. Louis Community College to establish a Hospitality Workforce Program. STLCC is funding the program and will require students to have 100 hours of on-site training in order to receive credit for participation. The first semester of this program is slated to occur in the Spring of 2024.
*Note: All of the outcomes below occurred prior to the opening of the hotel. A benefit of hiring a Director of Impact 8 months prior to opening.
Direct Hires
People Directly Impacted
By Our Team
*Direct Employment and/or Job Skills Training
Hires From
Restore Merced
High School Students in
Spring ‘23 HCA Cohort